Friday, 31 May 2013

Blue Company, Command Chimera

Now Painting... Yellow Platoon

I've eventually sorted my first (Red) platoon, and the pictures will be going up in bulk shortly, however in the mean time i've started work on my second platoon of troops.

I've got almost every model needed for the platoon itself, so they just need painting. Simple right? So begins another long run of painting guardsmen...

Here we have all 5 squads from Yellow platoon. The first ones who are really needed are squad 1 and 2 as they make up the required part of second platoon for a legal army. They've already got their chimeras painted (currently subbing into Red platoon) so they should really catch up!

Above all twenty guardsmen are base coated in (what was Emerald Green) and then the boots were painted black. The next steps all involved the black parts of the clothing: Tunic piping, webbing straps, shoulder pads, webbing pouches and accessories then finally the cuffs or rolled sleeves.

Next step, skin! Once all the arms and faces are painted the rest of the work is more interesting and detail oriented.

Next up are the weapons blocking out and detailing.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Command Chimera Conversion

For each of the command squads in the army, they'll have a tank for transport, much the same as the regular squads. Although while the regular squads are using the newer model with thinner side pods, any command vehicles are using the older style.

Newer kit, left (squads) - Older kit, right (command)

However, the company command tank needs to stand out a bit more. Forgeworld have a different door which would have been easier to fit if i'd remembered before i'd attached the regular one. But it still went on ok.

To make the tank a bit wider and give it more presence on the field i decided to make the tracks wider, initially using tracks from the Baneblade. However they're roughly 25mm wide, which would be huge. Comically huge. So instead after a few days of searching and pondering I settled on Land Raider tracks, which are a bit smaller and marginally easier to get hold of outside of a kit.

While I waited for the tracks to arrive I worked on the dozer blade, which also now needed to be wider to accommodate the new tracks.

Fortunately there are two types of blade in existence  one with and one without edges making something a bit more unique for the tank.

The turret was made some time ago and now finally finds its place on the right tank. There aren't any pictures during the painting as it actually came together fairly quickly, plus it's better as a finished result.

The track guards had to be adjusted too to be wider, although at this point the tracks hadn't actually arrived so making them was a little tricky guessing the size. The lamps on the front were from a dreadnaught kit, but work pretty well.

And when the tracks turned up, it was all good!

First of many posts to the Cadian blog with a bit of luck.