Wednesday 24 July 2013

Commissar Lord Branko

Lord Commissar Branko

Lord Commissar Branko has exactly no-time for anyone's shit. Your unit's running away? Prepare to be shot. Along with the Commissar who was assigned to your platoon for letting such a trivial matter reach his level

Branko fought with the Cadian 83rd for many years as a commissar and has the scars to prove it. After being selected and trained as a Cadet Commissar he fought alongside his former class-mates in the field supervising numerous platoon officers and weeding out troublesome sergeants  After deposing a Platoon Commander who lost his faith while on assignment in the urban jungle of Northern Cadia, he successfully completed the late commanders mission and returned with an emboldened platoon of troops ready to follow him to the last. After appointing a new Platoon Commander from one of the more headstrong sergeants, he was entrusted with ensuring the platoon regained its composure and did not falter a second time.

His time spent with the unit honed his own leadership still further and after fighting against the odds and successfully leading more assignments than that of his peers and turning around a particularly bloody battle on a Necron world he was appointed to Commissar Captain by a mortally wounded Regimental Commander, and later Colonel-Commissar in order to lead the regiment who had come to respect him so.

Over the years tales of his victories and ambitious charges leading his men into battle became legends of single handed destruction of his enemies and world rousing speeches to buoy his troops morale. Passed down from commander to lieutenant, to sergeant and to guardsman, everyone knew of the stories. In some cases troops would claim to know someone who was there when it happened, whether it was true or not was lost to the ages.

Eventually, the Commissariat promoted Branko to the position of Lord Commissar, over seeing missions of up most importance and where possible, returning to his faithful 83rd Company to guide them as his own when victory can be the only outcome.

Notable Battles

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