1st Lieutenant Russo
Lieutenant Russo joined the Cadian 83rd Regiment, 'Blue' Company fresh from graduation as 2nd Lieutenant and as his first command was thrown into an outpost, heavily damaged and lacking both supplies and men. As the incoming reinforcements, they were left in no doubt by the incumbent Commissar posted to the platoon that the Orks were relentless, but the lines were holding in spite of the losses sustained.
After weeks of conflict the battle turned in the platoons favour after a daring mission to outflank the Orks at the drop zone lead by Russo. Catching the Orks in the air before their Landas could deploy allowed the platoon to stem the tide and eventually wipe the remaining Orks from the outpost moon.
During the debrief, Russo was recommended for the recently vacated position of 1st Lieutenant in Red Platoon for his tactical resourcefulness and ability to command. Russo joined the platoon in place of 1st Lieutenant Grovus, who had been fast tracked into the upper ranks of the regiment.
Upon accepting the position, Russo had one request; to bring with him two members of his former command to his new post, Signals Sgt. Brisco and 2nd Lt. Fenrik. Recognising the importance of loyalty, both men were transferred immediately to Russo's command squad and formed its core under his leadership.
Signals Officer Brisco. - Chief Vox Operations Specialist
2nd Lt. Fenrik. - Standard Bearer to Red Platoon and Second in Command.
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